Zirconium is a metallic element with high corrosion resistance which is used in alloys, refractories and superconducting magnets.
Technologies and components that use Zirconium

Share of total world Zirconium, 2022
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) publishes annual summary reports that provide estimates of reserve and production statistics for individual minerals and materials in specific countries. Reserves refer to the economically extractable or producible portion of the reserve base at the time of assessment. Production signifies the amount of a mineral or material that has been extracted or manufactured within a certain period.
Traded commodities related to Zirconium
The United Nations Comtrade database provides detailed trade statistics by product and trading partner. Imported and exported products are classified under the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS system), used uniformly by most customs authorities around the world. Based on the latest update of the HS system and data available in UN Comtrade, you can find below the relevant commodities related to this material, including their HS codes and full descriptions.
We have classified these material-related commodities into four groups: Raw (unprocessed mineral ore in natural form), Processed (processed or purified mineral ore), Product (manufactured product or component from processed mineral), and Waste/Recycling (including recycled materials or waste products).
- Zirconium articles (3)
- Other than unwrought, n.e.c. in heading no. 8109 [810990]
- Other than unwrought, n.e.c. in heading no. 8109, containing less than 1 part hafnium to 500 parts zirconium by weight [810991]
- Other than unwrought, n.e.c. in heading no. 8109, containing not less than 1 part hafnium to 500 parts zirconium by weight [810999]